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This Mom (and OB/GYN Doctor) Sounds Off on Whether Your Daughter Should Get the HPV Vaccine

My young daughter will be entering middle school in another year. However, she still likes coloring books. If she watches a scary movie, I have to lay with her in bed until she falls asleep.

She is still just a kid. Should I really be worried about HPV? Is this something you should consider for your daughter?

Most people know that the HPV virus is sexually transmitted. However, most people don’t think it could happen to their daughter. Unfortunately, more than 80% of the population has been exposed to the HPV virus during their lifetime. How is that possible?

Well, let’s assume your daughter has 1 lifetime sexual partner. Let’s pretend her future husband only had 1 girlfriend prior to meeting your daughter. However, maybe his previous girlfriend had 5 partners- and who knows how many exposures those 5 partners had.

Now it’s easy to see that you don’t have to be sexually promiscuous to be exposed to HPV. It could happen to anyone and often does. HPV is silent (there are often NO symptoms), and people don’t know they have it and therefore pass it on to others unknowingly.

As an ob-gyn doctor, I know about the HPV virus and have seen so many patients affected by this virus that can cause cervical cancer if left untreated. I have seen women die from cervical cancer caused by this virus. I have seen pregnant women who are newly diagnosed with cervical cancer have to decide whether to delay treatment or potentially risk their pregnancy by treating the disease.

Luckily, most of the time we can monitor the HPV virus through pap smears/hpv testing and never have to intervene as the body will often clear the virus on its own. Occasionally, treatment in the form of excisional procedures on the cervix are necessary to prevent progression to cervical cancer. If you have never seen a LEEP procedure done in the office, trust me, you want to spare your daughter from this if at all possible.

By the time a girl visits her ob-gyn’s office she may have already been exposed to HPV and we potentially missed an important opportunity to give the vaccine. This is due to the fact that we typically don’t see teens in the office unless they are having a problem, and we don’t start pap smear screening until age 21 (appropriately so).


Pediatricians (and family practitioners) do a fantastic job of making sure our young girls are getting the vaccine when indicated. Currently, the vaccine can be given to girls between the ages of 9-26 years old. Most girls are vaccinated with the series at age 11 or 12. Remember, the point is to vaccinate far PRIOR to sexual activity. We don’t expect your 11 year old daughter to be sexually active.

On the other hand, I have had to do numerous procedures on patients in their 20’s who have precancerous lesions from the HPV virus. Most are shocked and terrified and don’t understand how this could have happened to them.

As a mother, I am just like any other parent who would do anything to prevent my child from suffering. I worry about risks and benefits of treatments (even preventative) and how they will affect my daughter. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to truly understand the research and risks behind this vaccine through extensive training in obstetrics and gynecology.

It is empowering to have access to a vaccine that can actually prevent cancer.

So, while the physician in me appreciates and understands the research and clinical implications this vaccine portends, when I counsel patients I find the mother in me also weighing in.

Since I do have a young daughter who I would do anything to protect, I can assuredly say that she will be getting her HPV vaccine when she turns 11. I want to know that I did my job as her mother to protect her when she can’t yet understand how this may impact her life down the road.


8 thoughts on “This Mom (and OB/GYN Doctor) Sounds Off on Whether Your Daughter Should Get the HPV Vaccine”

  1. Well done obdoctormom. Well written. Many moms do not want to think that their kids will ever be sexually active. The truth is they will. The hpv vaccine is a lifetime gift, in every sense.

  2. Totally agree with you. My older daughter got hers when she started middle school and I will be doing the same for the younger one.
    The constant worry of developing cervical cancer if you get the HPV infection is motivation enough to get the vaccination

  3. The vaccine protects against the most common strains and there are more out there, which is why the monitoring is important along with the vaccine. It’s like getting the flu shot, but still washing your hands.
    I worked at a company that makes one of the vaccines and I got the series in my 20s.
    Thanks for the dual Mom Ob perspective.

    1. Yes, indeed. The vaccine does not eliminate the chance completely of HPV. There are actually rare cases of cervical cancer that are not HPV related. However, the vast majority are…. and we can drastically reduce the chance of getting cervical cancer through this vaccine. Thanks for your comment and insight.

  4. Makes a lot of sense!
    Who wouldn’t think it stupid to wait until you step on the nail to get your first tetanus shot?
    Or wait until you have signs of rabies to start treatment?
    so, as the English put it, get the jab!
    My children all did.
    And I’ve been saving your lives for >30 years in your ERs.
    -An old ER doc; seen enough.

    1. Yes! Thanks for your commentary as you speak from many years of experience. With the prevalence of HPV it makes no sense to wait (or not get the hpv vaccine at all).

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